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Nobel Nomination

May 3, 2019

Meet Greta Thunberg. She is a 16-year-old climate activist. She lives in Sweden. Greta has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. That is a big honor. If she wins, Greta will be the youngest Nobel winner in history. The…


A New View

May 3, 2019

The narrator of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books is goofball Greg Heffley. But the new book in the series has a different point of view. In Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid, Rowley Jefferson tells the story. He…


Wave Hello

May 3, 2019

There’s a new Adélie penguin in town. His name is Steve. He’s the star of the documentary Penguins. The movie follows Steve around in Antarctica. He sets out to build a nest, find a partner, and raise a family. Jeff…


Wildlife Lessons

April 26, 2019

Picture this: You live in a village in Botswana, Africa. You leave home one morning and start walking to school. Suddenly, a gigantic elephant is standing in your path. “It’s really scary to come across an elephant when you’re on…



Animals on the Move

April 26, 2019

Many creatures migrate. They travel in big groups from one place to another. Some animals migrate when the weather changes. Others set off to find new sources of food and water. Lots of animal migrations take place in Africa.…


Making a Magazine

April 17, 2019

A lot goes into making a magazine. Stories are written by writers. They are revised by editors. Words and pictures are arranged on the page by designers. Here’s the inside scoop on how TIME for Kids is made. 1. The…



Engineering Our World

April 15, 2019

Have you traveled on a road? Have you sipped water from a fountain? You can thank a civil engineer. Engineers design and create things. Civil engineers create on systems that help our towns and cities run. They work on things…



Engineering in History

April 15, 2019

Cities and towns need water. People use it for drinking, bathing, and growing crops. An AQUEDUCT carries water from one place to another. Engineers have been building these structures for thousands of years. Aqueducts were found long ago in places…


Top of the World

March 21, 2019

Each year, millions of people hike up to Machu Picchu. It is an ancient site in the mountains of Peru. The trip is tough. Until recently, it was nearly impossible for a person with a physical disability. Wheel the World…




March 21, 2019

In March, a transportation company was set to finish construction of a new test track in France. The company will use the track to test out its design for a Hyperloop. A Hyperloop is a huge tube. Inside are…


Robo Pals

March 21, 2019

Joe Bot and Rob Ot are robots. 
They are also best friends. The two 
pals live on a faraway planet. They are characters in a new book series. The Bots books are graphic novels. They are written by RUSS BOLTS…


Artist at Work

March 21, 2019

ELISABETH ANISIMOW, 12, is an artist. She has been painting since she was a toddler. Today, her work can be found all around the world. “The best part about being a painter is that I can express myself,” Elisabeth told…


Turning The Tide

March 18, 2019

The Tappan Zee Bridge was around for 62 years. It carried people across the Hudson River, in New York. In 2018, workers picked the bridge apart, piece by piece. Now the old bridge is being recycled. Huge pieces of…



Help the Planet!

March 18, 2019

Earth Day is April 22. But there are ways kids can help the Earth all year long. What will you do to help the planet? You can turn off the tap. It’s important to conserve water. Turn off the faucet…


Tesoros Escondidos

March 8, 2019

El grupo Story Pirates está en búsqueda de un tesoro escondido. Pero no navega por los océanos para buscar oro o joyas. Busca cuentos e ideas de niños. Esto es lo que inspira sus actuaciones teatrales, canciones, libros, episodios de…
