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Hidden Treasures

March 8, 2019

The Story Pirates are on the lookout for hidden treasure. But they don’t sail the seas searching for gold or jewels. They hunt for stories and ideas from kids. That’s what inspires their theater performances, songs, books, podcast episodes, and…



Let's Do Improv!

March 8, 2019

Improv stands for improvisation. It is a type of theater. An improv performance is made up on the spot. There are no scripts or rehearsals. Improvisers come up with their lines as they go. They don’t know what will happen…


Stormy Weather

March 5, 2019

The sky is dark and the air is thick. Lightning flashes and thunder claps. Winds blow. Heavy rain falls. It’s a thunderstorm! The National Severe Storms Laboratory says there are 16 million thunderstorms in the world each year. At any…



Serious Storms

March 5, 2019

Tornadoes and hurricanes are cyclones. That’s a storm of spinning winds. Tornadoes and hurricanes are powerful, and they can be dangerous! A tornado is a spinning funnel of wind. It makes a roaring noise. Tornadoes form over land. Most…


The Peanut Solution

February 22, 2019

Nearly 2 million kids in the United States are allergic to peanuts. Brett Treichel, 13, is one of them. For Brett and others who are allergic, even a tiny bit of peanut can be dangerous. “I have to be careful…



Species at Risk

February 22, 2019

Monarch butterflies fly to warmer places when the weather gets cold. Many go to California. But their numbers are falling. Every year, the Xerces Society counts monarchs in California. It found fewer than 30,000 of the butterflies in 2018. That’s…

United States

New Scouts

February 22, 2019

The Boy Scouts have been teaching leadership skills to kids for more than a hundred years. Now, the Boy Scouts are opening up to girls. On February 1, the first group of girls, ages 11 to 17, joined a new…


Spotlight on Circle

February 22, 2019

JON KLASSEN (pictured) would rather draw shapes than people. That’s how Triangle, Square, and Circle came to be. Klassen named a book after each character. The three books make up the Shape Trilogy. Klassen worked on the books with author…


Dreaming it Up

February 22, 2019

Wonder Park is a new animated film. It’s about the power of creativity. In the movie, June and her mom dream up an amusement park. It’s called Wonderland. It has games and rides. It’s run by a herd of furry…


Author at Work

February 21, 2019

Sometimes, the idea for a story comes out of thin air. Matt de la Peña was talking with a teacher at a playground one day. Suddenly, the wind kicked up. Dandelion puffs filled the air. A boy was standing next…



It’s Rhyme Time!

February 14, 2019

Poetry is a way of playing with language. Poems can have a rhythm, and poems can rhyme. Poems can be made up of full sentences or just groups of words. Some poems have a structure. Others do not. Read on…


Driving with Danica

February 12, 2019

Danica Patrick first got behind the wheel when she was 10 years old. She was in a tiny race car called a go-kart. Patrick was one of just a few girls on the track. But she enjoyed racing. She was…



Two Young Athletes

February 11, 2019

Fierce Fighter JESSELYN SILVA (above, left) has a nickname: JessZilla. The 12-year-old is a boxer. She lives in New Jersey. After seeing her dad compete, Jesselyn wanted to give the sport a try. She fell in love with it. “I…


Best Inventions of 2018

February 11, 2019

Inventions have the power to help people. They change the way we live, work, and play. Each year, TIME magazine picks the year’s best inventions. Here are six that TFK thinks will improve the world. Read on to learn about…



Famous Inventions

February 11, 2019

A patent is a legal document. It stops people from copying an inventor’s idea. The U.S. began giving out patents in 1790. Here are a few inventions that have received patents. Cotton Gin ELI WHITNEY got a patent for the…