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Earth Science

Ocean Commotion

March 11, 2021

Oceans are noisier than ever, scientists say. That’s because of sound pollution. The pollution is caused by humans. And it’s harming ocean life. Researchers looked at thousands of studies of ocean sound. They found that noise pollution has increased over…



The PPE Problem

March 11, 2021

Zoë Trisha Prinsloo cares about the beaches of Cape Town, South Africa. She leads cleanups there. She has a group called Save a Fishie! It has picked up plastic bottles, straws, and more. Lately, Prinsloo has noticed more of one…


Earth Science

Can We Compost It?

March 11, 2021

Some of your trash can be used to help the planet. With composting, you can recycle food and other organic materials. It can be turned into fertilizer to help plants grow. Composting is good for the planet. It reduces the…



Strong Storms

February 9, 2021

The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season was the most active on record. Between May and November, 30 major storms brewed in the Atlantic Ocean. Thirteen of them became hurricanes. Eta and Iota were powerful hurricanes. Eta hit Central America in November.…


Earth Science

Seaweed Solution

November 24, 2020

Louis Druehl is a seaweed farmer. He lives and works in Bamfield, British Columbia. That’s in Canada. He has been farming kelp since 1982. Kelp is a brown seaweed. Druehl has studied seaweed. He’s cooked seaweed. He’s even written a…


Earth Science

Forest Life

November 24, 2020

Daniel Nepstad is an ecologist. He studies the Amazon rainforest. It’s in South America. The Amazon is home to millions of species of plants and animals. But deforestation is a threat to the area. Last year, wildfires burned there. Here…



Jungle Layers

November 24, 2020

The rainforest is a wet, warm habitat. Many types of plants and animals live here. There are four different layers in the Amazon rainforest. Learn about them here. The top layer of the rainforest is the Emergent layer. This level…



Polar Bears in Danger

September 10, 2020

Most polar bears could disappear by the end of the century. Global warming is to blame. This is according to a recent study. It was published by Nature Climate Change. The study says most polar bear populations will drop…



Counting Penguins

March 12, 2020

Click. Click click. Click. Steve Forrest is in Antarctica. He’s standing on a rocky cliff. Below him are hundreds of chinstrap penguins. Forrest is a biologist. He uses a metal clicker to count every penguin he sees. It’s not…



Kid's Eye View

March 12, 2020

What will Earth look like in 30 years? We asked kids to draw an answer to that question. Here are a few of their drawings. What do you see? We also got letters from kids who are doing things to…
