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Young Game Changers

Speaking Up for Earth

February 14, 2020

In August 2018, Greta Thunberg skipped school. She sat outside one of Sweden’s main government buildings with a sign. It read “School Strike for Climate,” in Swedish. Greta was protesting. She was speaking out for the future of the planet.…



Earth Activists

February 14, 2020

Women around the world are working to help the environment. Here are four who have done their part to protect Earth’s plants and animals. Which of these women most inspires you to take action? Scientist Jane Goodall was born in…



City of Trees

October 4, 2019

Karachi is a city in Pakistan. It is one of the hottest places on Earth. In 2015, more than 1,000 people died there during a heat wave. “It was a very terrible time,” Shahzad Qureshi told TIME for Kids. “We…


Earth Science

Fantastic Forests

October 4, 2019

A forest is made up of trees. This habitat is also home to many creatures. Did you know there are three types of forests? Read about them here. Tropical Rain Forest Tropical rain forests are hot and damp. They are…


Fire Alarm

September 20, 2019

On August 19, smoke filled the sky over São Paulo, Brazil. It was coming from the Amazon rain forest. In August, there were a record number of forest fires in Brazil. Many were in the Amazon. Experts say many of…


Food and Nutrition

Waste Not

August 30, 2019

Each weekday, some 30 million students in the United States eat a school lunch. Then they fill cafeteria trash cans with uneaten food. Wasted food is a waste of money, a missed chance to feed hungry people, and bad…



Nobel Nomination

May 3, 2019

Meet Greta Thunberg. She is a 16-year-old climate activist. She lives in Sweden. Greta has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. That is a big honor. If she wins, Greta will be the youngest Nobel winner in history. The…

Earth Science

Turning The Tide

March 18, 2019

The Tappan Zee Bridge was around for 62 years. It carried people across the Hudson River, in New York. In 2018, workers picked the bridge apart, piece by piece. Now the old bridge is being recycled. Huge pieces of…



Help the Planet!

March 18, 2019

Earth Day is April 22. But there are ways kids can help the Earth all year long. What will you do to help the planet? You can turn off the tap. It’s important to conserve water. Turn off the faucet…


Stormy Weather

March 5, 2019

The sky is dark and the air is thick. Lightning flashes and thunder claps. Winds blow. Heavy rain falls. It’s a thunderstorm! The National Severe Storms Laboratory says there are 16 million thunderstorms in the world each year. At any…
