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A Kid's Best Friend

July 7, 2021

Researchers recently studied the bond between kids and animals. They recruited 30 children and their dogs. The kids brought their dogs to a large, empty room. The kids walked around the space. Sometimes, they paused or changed direction. “The…


Earth Science

All the Buzz

April 22, 2021

A rare event is taking place this spring. Trillions of Brood 10 cicadas have just spent 17 years underground. But in May, they will emerge. They will create a buzz as loud as a lawn mower. And by June or…


Movies and Television

Ready to Experiment?

March 11, 2021

Emily’s Wonder Lab, on Netflix, is hosted by Emily Calandrelli. She’s a scientist and an engineer. On the show, she shares her love of science with kids. The show features experiments and activities. In one episode, there’s a pool…



Hurricane Basics

February 9, 2021

A hurricane is a mass of clouds and thunderstorms. It spins around a still center. The center is called the “eye.” A hurricane is like a giant engine. It uses warm air as fuel. There’s plenty of that in the…



Space Junk

December 17, 2020

There are many working satellites in space. We depend on them. They send information to the technology we use every day. But many other satellites are broken and still in orbit. Space junk is a problem. Debris floating around the…



Let's Talk!

December 17, 2020

Daniel Holz is an astrophysicist. He works at the University of Chicago, in Illinois. He studies black holes. Holz spoke with TFK Kid Reporter Miguel Madero. TFK: What is a black hole? HOLZ: A black hole is an area in…


Food and Nutrition

Future Food

March 20, 2020

In the future, people might eat a new kind of meat. It will be grown in a lab. Lab-grown meat starts off as tiny cells that are safely taken from animals. Scientists feed the cells nutrients. The cells grow and…



Artifact Adventure

December 27, 2019

Anna Semon is an archaeologist. That’s a person who finds and studies artifacts, or objects made by people in the past. Join  TIME for Kids  as we follow Semon on a dig and visit her in the lab.  1. Finding…



Mars Explorers

December 20, 2019

The surface of Mars is dry and rocky. There are no plants or animals on Mars. There’s not enough oxygen to breathe, either. Did the planet ever support life? NASA’s sending a robot to find out. The Mars 2020 rover…



We Love Bugs!

October 25, 2019

Meet Kristie Reddick (above, left) and Jessica Honaker. They are bug scientists. Together, they are known as the Bug Chicks. The two make videos and write books about insects and spiders. The Bug Chicks go all over the world.…