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Earth Science


All the Buzz

April 22, 2021

A rare event is taking place this spring. Trillions of Brood 10 cicadas have just spent 17 years underground. But in May, they will emerge. They will create a buzz as loud as a lawn mower. And by June or…



Ocean Commotion

March 11, 2021

Oceans are noisier than ever, scientists say. That’s because of sound pollution. The pollution is caused by humans. And it’s harming ocean life. Researchers looked at thousands of studies of ocean sound. They found that noise pollution has increased over…



Little Lizard

March 11, 2021

Scientists have discovered what may be the smallest reptile on Earth. The species is called Brookesia nana. It’s also known as a nano-chameleon. It lives in the rainforest in northern Madagascar. The finding was published in the journal Scientific Reports.…



Can We Compost It?

March 11, 2021

Some of your trash can be used to help the planet. With composting, you can recycle food and other organic materials. It can be turned into fertilizer to help plants grow. Composting is good for the planet. It reduces the…



Seaweed Solution

November 24, 2020

Louis Druehl is a seaweed farmer. He lives and works in Bamfield, British Columbia. That’s in Canada. He has been farming kelp since 1982. Kelp is a brown seaweed. Druehl has studied seaweed. He’s cooked seaweed. He’s even written a…



A Powerful Predator

November 24, 2020

Sharks are at the top of the ocean food chain. The great white shark is one of the ocean’s most powerful predators. Take a look at how the great white shark hunts for food. Sniffing Out Dinner A great white…



Forest Life

November 24, 2020

Daniel Nepstad is an ecologist. He studies the Amazon rainforest. It’s in South America. The Amazon is home to millions of species of plants and animals. But deforestation is a threat to the area. Last year, wildfires burned there. Here…



How Animals Vote

September 10, 2020

Americans will vote for a president on November 3. Did you know that some animals vote too? Here’s how. Honeybees Honeybees look for a new home. How do they vote for one? They dance. The bees move to another place…



Sea Turtle Discovery Zone

April 27, 2020

Sea turtles are ancient creatures. They have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. A sea turtle spends most of its life underwater. But female sea turtles lay eggs on the beach. And all sea turtles must come to…



A World of Dinosaurs

December 27, 2019

A paleontologist is someone who hunts for fossils. Paleontologists have made discoveries all over the world. They have found dinosaur bones on every continent. Have you heard of these dinosaurs? United States — Tyrannosaurus Rex Many Tyrannosaurus rex bones have…