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Ready, Set, Sail!

July 23, 2021

This spring, 12 sailing teams took part in the first Ocean Race Europe. The race began on May 29. It set off from Lorient, France. Teams spent 22 days at sea. They sailed on the Atlantic Ocean. They also sailed…



Kids Care About: Sea Turtles

July 23, 2021

TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Hou cares about sea turtles. She talked to experts about why these animals are in danger. Learn how you can help. Sea turtles live all over the world. They live near coasts and in open waters.…



Elephants at Risk

April 22, 2021

African elephants are becoming more endangered. That’s according to a March 25 report. It was done by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The group decides how likely some animals are to become extinct. There are two…



A School Solution

November 24, 2020

Have you ever noticed a problem that you couldn’t figure out how to fix? Dr. Aboubacar Kampo has. He was living in Côte d’Ivoire. That’s a country in Africa. Plastic is a major problem there. Very little of it gets…



Ready, Set, Recycle!

November 24, 2020

Plastic and other materials can be recycled and turned into something else. Recycling helps our planet. Do you recycle at home? At school? Read on to see how recycling works. Keep It Separated Put each material into a different bin.…



Team Puffins

November 21, 2019

Heimaey is a small island off the coast of Iceland. Each spring, more than a million Atlantic puffins visit Heimaey and its neighboring islands. They go there to breed. The puffins build nests on seaside cliffs. When a puffling, or…



Help the Planet!

March 18, 2019

Earth Day is April 22. But there are ways kids can help the Earth all year long. What will you do to help the planet? You can turn off the tap. It’s important to conserve water. Turn off the faucet…


Species at Risk

February 22, 2019

Monarch butterflies fly to warmer places when the weather gets cold. Many go to California. But their numbers are falling. Every year, the Xerces Society counts monarchs in California. It found fewer than 30,000 of the butterflies in 2018. That’s…


Turning Green

October 18, 2018

India’s Taj Mahal is one of the most famous buildings on Earth. Tourists from around the world go to visit. But pollution is harming the white marble building. India’s government is scrambling to fix the problem. “Earlier, it was turning…



A New Home

October 5, 2018

Seven dolphins live at the National Aquarium, in Baltimore, Maryland. They have spent their whole lives in captivity. But soon, the dolphins will get a new home. The aquarium will close its dolphin exhibit by 2021. The dolphins will be…
