A COVID Milestone

On April 18, the United States reached a milestone. About 130 million adults had gotten at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. That’s half of all the adults in the country. This data comes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Of the 130 million, 84 million people are fully vaccinated. Some got two shots of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Others got one shot of Johnson & Johnson. At this rate, the U.S. could vaccinate 70% of its population by mid-June. That might be enough to control the virus.
There’s still work to be done. A recent Associated Press-NORC poll found that 25% of U.S. adults are unwilling to get vaccinated. But the number of willing people has been rising. More are becoming eligible, too. Anyone 16 or older can get a vaccine.
“We’re making tremendous progress,” President Joe Biden said on April 18. “But we’re still in [a] race against this virus, and we need to vaccinate tens of millions more Americans.”
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