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California Mudslides

January 19, 2018

Mudslides and flash floods destroyed parts of Montecito, California, last week. At press time, the natural disaster had caused at least 20 deaths. The mudslides were caused by a powerful storm. It sent mud and boulders down hills and into…


Disaster's Cost

January 16, 2018

Monster hurricanes. Raging wildfires. They helped make 2017 the costliest year ever for weather disasters in the United States. The nation was hit by 16 disasters that each topped $1 billion in damages. The 
total cost was $306 billion, according…


Water Works

April 14, 2017

In a small village in Thailand lives a girl named Wanjai. She and her family make their home on the Khao Laem Reservoir. Wanjai and her friends play in the water. Her family bathes, cooks, and cleans with it. They…


Shell Game

April 15, 2016

The ploughshare (plow -share) tortoise is one of the world's most endangered animals. Experts believe there are fewer than 300 adults in the wild. A small piece of land in northwest Madagascar is the species' only natural habitat. With their…

Food and Nutrition

Ugly but Tasty

April 15, 2016

In U.S. supermarkets, perfectly shaped fruits and vegetables line shelves. But not all the produce grown in the U.S. looks like what is being sold. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, more than a quarter of all fresh produce…

Earth Science

Earth Day

April 1, 2016

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Energy & Waste The average American produces more than four pounds of garbage per day. Over the course of a year, that is more than 1,600 pounds of garbage per…


Shark Hunt

September 25, 2015

A shark smells prey and swims toward it. The meal is some bait attached to a camera on the ocean floor. The big fish heads to the camera, and it is caught on video. The scene is not for a…

Earth Science

Water Worries

April 24, 2015

California has survived many droughts. But the current dry spell, now in its fourth year, is one of the most severe the state has ever experienced. A shortage of precipitation has left lakes, reservoirs, and other sources of water at…