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United States

A Guilty Plea

December 7, 2017

Michael Flynn used to work for President Donald Trump. On December 1, he went to court. He pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He also agreed to work with Robert Mueller. Mueller is leading an…

African American boy using computer in classroom


A Fair Internet?

December 4, 2017

In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created some rules. The rules gave people equal access to the Internet. They ensured net neutrality. The rules say Internet service providers are not allowed to block access to sites. They cannot slow…

United States

Texting Outlawed

November 13, 2017

It’s illegal in 47 states to text while driving. But walking? On October 25, Honolulu, Hawaii, made it against the law to text or look down at an electronic device while crossing the street. Lawmakers hope this will solve a…


Trump Visits Asia

November 13, 2017

President Donald Trump began a 12-day trip to Asia on November 3. He will visit five nations. One goal is to strengthen ties with Asia. Another is to promote trade. Trump will also work to ease tensions with North Korea.…

United States

In Need of Repair

November 6, 2017

Nearly 150 years ago, workers hammered the last spike in America’s first coast-to-coast railroad. Then came grand train stations, big bridges, and the endless ribbon of highways. These were spectacular engineering achievements. They became monuments to American ingenuity and power.…


United States

TFK Explains: The Russia Investigation

November 6, 2017

Robert Mueller has filed the first charges in the Russia investigation. Here’s what you need to know. What is the Russia investigation? During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, Russians broke into the computer systems of Republican and Democratic Party leaders.…


TFK Explains: Spain

October 30, 2017

In October, people in Catalonia, a region of Spain, voted to secede. Here’s what you need to know. What is Catalonia? Spain is a country in Europe. It is made up of 17 regions. Catalonia is one of these regions.…


A Test of Tolerance

October 27, 2017

On any given day, a train carrying immigrants arrives at the station in Malmö, Sweden. The people who get off do not speak Swedish or share the country’s customs. But they hope to make Sweden their home. Since 2013, hundreds…

United States

A Busy Congress

September 19, 2017

Congress returned to work on September 5. Lawmakers had been on a five-week summer recess. The House of Representatives and the Senate must address some major issues before the end of the year. They include aid for hurricane victims, funding…

United States

Crime Fighters

September 18, 2017

TFK visits an FBI facility to watch its agents in action. Seven FBI agents search a house. A criminal suspect is hiding in a bedroom. The agents send in a small, remote-controlled robot. It scans the path ahead. The robot…
