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Kio Herrera

Kio Herrera is an Editorial Assistant at TIME for Kids. Prior to joining the TFK staff in 2016, Kio was a book editor at Penguin Random House. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Creative Writing from Fordham University, in New York City. Some of Kio’s favorite assignments for TFK include interviewing Olympic athletes, film actors, and authors. In her free time, you’ll find Kio photographing her New York City neighborhood or trying out a new recipe.

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portrait of Jacob Riis

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Jacob Riis

June 7, 2018

Jacob Riis (May 3, 1849—May 26, 1914) was a photojournalist who documented the lives of poor New Yorkers in the 1890s. He published the photographs in his book How the Other Half Lives. The pictures shocked Americans and inspired a…


Wiping Out Trans Fats

May 16, 2018

On Monday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a plan to rid the world’s food supply of trans fats. These unhealthy substances have been linked to chronic illness. The WHO is a United Nations agency that works to promote good…


An Epic Eruption

May 9, 2018

On May 3, Hawaii’s Big Island experienced a major volcanic explosion. The volcano Kilauea pushed lava and toxic gas from its vents and opened fissures, or cracks, beneath a nearby residential neighborhood. On May 4, the seismic activity caused a…

Content available on Your Hot Job


Knitting Hearts

March 5, 2018

Bolivia is a South American country known for the majestic Andes mountains. It is also one of the poorest countries on the continent. Bolivia is not considered a leader in medical innovation. But a Bolivian doctor is helping to change…


Leading the Way

December 4, 2017

Last year, artist and filmmaker Vashti Harrison challenged herself to draw one notable African-American woman every day during Black History Month. “I really wanted to focus on women who are not often spoken about,” Harrison told TFK. Her whimsical…


Emoji Evolution

October 23, 2017

Do you speak emoji? If you use a smartphone, the answer is probably yes. Emoji is a visual language capable of expressing all kinds of ideas and feelings. Are you mad, sad, or happy? There are faces that convey those…



Girl Code

September 15, 2017

When Reshma Saujani founded the nonprofit organization Girls Who Code in 2013, it was a group of 40 students in New York City. Her mission was to inspire girls to pursue jobs in technology. Now, Girls Who Code offers free…



Cricket for All

April 21, 2017

Cricket is one of the world's most popular sports. But once, only the wealthy enjoyed it. Clubs around the world slowly opened their doors to all. In Malawi, the Under-19 Women's Cricket Team wants to bust the sport's doors wide…