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United States

National Treasure

January 11, 2019

For Kari Cobb, hiking in the Grand Canyon is a journey through history. At the bottom, the Colorado River flows as it has for some 6 million years. Gazing up at the cliff face, Cobb can almost feel the presence…



Digital Detectives

January 11, 2019

Would you believe that Mount Rushmore, in landlocked South Dakota, is underwater? You shouldn’t. The image above is a fake. Such images often appear on social media. In August 2017, while Texas was being rocked by Hurricane Harvey, an…


Historic Moon Landing

January 11, 2019

A Chinese spacecraft called Chang’e-4 landed on the far side of the moon on January 3. It is the first time a craft has successfully landed there. The far side is the part of the moon that faces away from…


Language Learning

January 10, 2019

Learning a new language can be tricky at any age. But in a recent study, scientists have pinpointed the exact age at which your chances of reaching fluency in a new language seem to quickly drop off: 10. Does this…

Time Off

Befriending a Hero

January 10, 2019

The year is 1946. Gabriel, a 12-year-old white boy, lives in a small town in South Carolina. One day, Gabriel runs a red light on his bicycle and is nearly killed. He’s saved by a stranger named Meriwether, an African-American…

Time Off

Watch and Learn

January 10, 2019

Ten-year-old CRYSTAL ANNE MARTIN (pictured) has tasted camel’s milk, made pottery, spoken to a 101-year-old woman, met a ventriloquist, and more. She’s done these things on the YouTube channel HiHo Kids, where viewers can watch as real kids try new…


Best Inventions of 2018

January 4, 2019

Each year, TIME magazine picks the best of the inventions that will change how we live, work, and play. Here, TFK has selected 12 that we think will improve the world. Some help people overcome obstacles. Others help protect the…


United States

TFK Explains: The Government Shutdown

January 4, 2019

What is a government shutdown? Government agencies depend on funding from Congress to operate. A government shutdown happens when lawmakers are not able to pass a federal budget to fund these agencies. During a shutdown, some parts of the government…

Time Off

The Fad Fight

January 3, 2019

Fidget spinners, slime, buttons—school fads catch on quickly, but are they always a good thing? The Friendship War, by ANDREW CLEMENTS, follows Grace and Ellie, who have been best friends for years. Suddenly, a button fad threatens to break up…

Time Off

STEM Stars

January 3, 2019

Could a parachute made of duct tape save your life in a 650-foot free fall? Could flatulence power a rocket? These are two of many “myths” a team of kid geniuses set out to shatter in MythBusters Jr. , a…

Time Off

TFK Kid Reporter Book Reviews: Part 3

December 20, 2018

Here, TFK Kid Reporters Josh Lee and Tiana Sirmans share their reviews of two kid-approved books that were published in 2018. This is the final post in a three-part series. Check for the rest of our end-of-year roundup. Title:…

Time Off

TFK Kid Reporter Book Reviews: Part 2

December 18, 2018

Many exciting books were published in 2018. Here, TFK Kid Reporters Will Holland and Maria Suarez review two of them. This is the second in a three-part series. Check back soon for more in our end-of-year roundup. Title: No Fixed…

Time Off

TFK Kid Reporter Book Reviews: Part 1

December 14, 2018

Do you love to read? TFK Kid Reporters do, too! Here, Belle Irby and Roman Peterson share their reviews of two of the year's most noteworthy books. This is the first in a three-part series. Check back soon for more…


Pictures of 2018

December 7, 2018

A lot happens in a year. There are happy moments and sad moments. There are reasons to celebrate and cry. There are big events and small ones. Some marvels are natural; others are human-made. Of course, 2018 was no…


United States

A Leader Dies

December 7, 2018

Former president George H.W. Bush died on November 30 at age 94. Bush was the 41st president of the United States, serving from 1989 to 1993. He also served as vice president to Ronald Reagan and as director of the…

United States

Alaska Shakes

December 7, 2018

Highways crumbled and buildings shook as earthquakes jolted Anchorage, Alaska, on November 30. A magnitude 7.0 quake hit first, at about 8:30 a.m. A 5.7 quake followed within minutes. The temblors set off tsunami alarms for islands and coastal areas…


8 Questions for Francesca Di Cristofano

December 6, 2018

When a local newspaper in Pelham, New York, shut down in the spring of 2018, a group of student journalists started their own news site, Pelham Examiner. TFK’s Brian S. McGrath spoke with the managing editor, high school senior Francesca…