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TFK Kid Reporters: Meet Miguel

Meet Miguel Madero, one of the 10 outstanding kids selected to be a TFK Kid Reporter this school year. Miguel is 10 years old and lives in San Antonio, Texas. He loves to build things with Legos and looks up to Albert Einstein, so it’s no surprise he wants to be an engineer or a scientist when he grows up.

Finalists in the TFK Kid Reporter contest were judged on a number of factors. One of their assignments was to write an article about a hometown hero. Miguel’s story is about Donna Inscore, a teacher in his town. You can read it below. We’ll be introducing the rest of the TFK Kid Reporter squad throughout September.

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A hero is someone whose actions change people’s lives. Donna Inscore, a teacher who stood up in front of first graders for almost 50 years and changed more than 1,000 kids’ lives, is a hero. After 45 years of teaching at Saint Mary’s Hall, in San Antonio, Texas, she has decided to retire this year.

Inscore’s parents were teachers, so thanks to that, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Right after college, she was hired by Kate Schenck Elementary School, in San Antonio, Texas. She was 22 years old. The classrooms did not even have air conditioning. All they had was a fan in the corner of the room! Her first year of teaching was “very difficult,” Inscore says, though the kids were “very sweet.”

After four years of teaching at Kate Schenck, Inscore transferred to Saint Mary’s Hall in 1972. “I had a very good feeling about her,” says Nur Mangalji, assistant head of Saint Mary’s Lower School. “She overall had a very good sense of humor.”

Inscore says that kids and adults have written letters about what a good teacher she was. Her advice to young teachers is: “Get to know your kids. Every kid is different and has different needs.”

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