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The View

Media Literacy

What's the Password?

October 23, 2019

In an ancient folktale, a giant rock blocks the entrance to a cave filled with treasure. A door appears only for those who speak a secret phrase aloud: “Open, sesame!” This is an early example of a password. Passwords have…


Inspiring Educators

April 20, 2018

This year, Teacher Appreciation Week runs from May 7 to 11. To celebrate, TFK asked five successful people to write about one of their most memorable and inspiring teachers. Bill Gates Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates uses his wealth to help…

United States

The Final Inning

March 16, 2018

For more than 70 years, the face of baseball in Cleveland, Ohio, has been Chief Wahoo, the mascot for the Cleveland Indians Major League Baseball team. He’s a cartoon of an American Indian, with a big nose, feather headdress, and…


A Show of Hands

March 16, 2018

Alice Paul Tapper was on a fourth-grade field trip last year when she noticed something that bothered her. The girls were standing in the back of the room, listening politely as the guide spoke. The boys crowded together in the…


Building a Smart Kitchen

October 18, 2017

When it comes to getting help at home, people are putting technology to work. Robots have already taken over many of the tasks that most people consider a chore. A battery-powered robot can vacuum your floors. A robot can clean…

Teacher Consoling Student in Corridor


What to Do When the News Is Sad

October 3, 2017

If you read TIME For Kids, then you must be interested in the news. That’s a good thing. It means you care about what is happening in your community and the wider world. Oftentimes, there is good news to report.…


Our Common Humanity

September 19, 2017

Susanna Schrobsdorff is an editor and columnist at TIME. Here, she shares her view of how lessons from Hurricane Harvey could help heal the country. We’ve all been thinking about how to help Texas after Hurricane Harvey. But after watching…


Guard Your Privacy

September 7, 2017

Jay Stanley works on the speech, privacy, and technology project at the American Civil Liberties Union. Here, he explains why we must protect our privacy when using new technology. Many new toys and products include microphones and cameras. They can…