People all over the world make music. Here are instruments from different continents. Which instrument is your favorite?
This is a guiro.
It comes from South America. The instrument is made from a hollow
having an empty space inside
They hid the treasure inside a hollow log.
a type of vegetable, like a pumpkin or squash, with a hard rind
My mom put a gourd on the dinner table to decorate for Thanksgiving.
. It has ridges. A player scrapes the ridges with a stick.

This is an accordion.
It comes from Europe. The instrument has a keyboard and buttons. There is a bag in the middle. It is filled with air. A player pushes the two ends together and presses the keys and buttons.

This is a mbira.
It comes from Africa. The instrument is a wooden board. The board has keys. They are made of metal. A player plucks
to pull and release the string on a musical instrument to make a sound
I use my fingers to pluck the strings of my violin.
the keys with his or her thumbs.

This is a guzheng.
It comes from Asia. The instrument is made of wood. It has 21 strings. A players uses his or her fingers to pluck the strings.

This is a didgeridoo.
It comes from Australia. The instrument is a long tube. It is made of wood. A player blows into the tube. The player uses his or her lips to create different sounds.