There are thousands of languages in the world. More people speak Mandarin than any other. Mandarin is a form of Chinese. Read on to learn more about the Chinese language.
Characters Count

The Chinese language does not use letters. It uses characters, or symbols. Each symbol has its own meaning.
Painting Pictures

Chinese characters can be a form of art. Calligraphers
a person who uses fancy penmanship
The calligrapher addressed the wedding invitations.
use ink and brushes to make the writing look beautiful.
An Ancient Language

Chinese has been around for thousands of years. This artifact
an object made by humans in the past
The archaeologist uncovered an ancient artifact.
shows early Chinese writing.
Practice Makes Perfect

All around the world, kids are learning Mandarin. Do you want to learn a new language? It is helpful to practice by speaking, reading, and writing in that language.
Try It!
Want to practice Chinese? Here are some Chinese characters, how to say them, and what they mean. Try saying these words aloud. Then practice writing the characters.