Brr! We wear warm clothing in winter. When it’s cold, we light a fire. Animals also find ways to stay warm in winter.

Grizzly bears hibernate. They spend the winter sleeping. The bear’s body temperature drops. A bear doesn’t need much food then.

When the weather gets cold, many animals adapt
to change or adjust
At the zoo, there is an exhibit where you can see a chameleon adapt to different surroundings by changing colors.
They change the way they act. They change their bodies. In winter, the white-tailed ptarmigan turns from brown to white. This helps it hide from danger.

Geese fly south for the winter. They travel in groups. They migrate
to move from one home or habitat to another
Buffaloes migrate in large herds to search for food.
to warmer weather.

Gray whales migrate. They travel far. They swim from the Arctic to Mexico. They spend the winter there. The water there is warmer.
Did You Know?

In Japan, snow monkeys take hot baths in the winter. They bathe in natural hot springs. This keeps them warm. How do you stay warm when the weather gets cold?