Compare the Bears

There are eight species of bears. They are different colors and sizes. They live in different parts of the world. Read the chart to learn about three bear species. Which is your favorite?
Giant Panda

FOOD — Bamboo shoots and leaves
SIZE — Up to six feet tall home.
HOME — Bamboo forests in the mountains of China
FACT — Pandas use their large teeth and strong jaws to chomp on bamboo.
Polar Bear

FOOD — Seals and small whales
SIZE — Up to eight feet tall
HOME — Sea ice and coastal land in the Arctic
FACT — Polar bears have a thick layer of fur and blubber. This helps them keep warm in their cold habitat.
Brown Bear

FOOD — Roots, berries, nuts, and fruit
SIZE — Up to nine feet tall
HOME — Forests and mountains of North America, Europe, and Asia
FACT — Brown bears come in many colors. Some are nearly black. Others are blond.