Meet an Author

Gail Gibbons has written and illustrated more than 100 books. She talked to TFK about her work.

Did you like to write and draw as a child?
I spent a lot of time drawing and painting. I loved to read. I was curious
wanting to know more; interested
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The cat was curious about its new home.
about everything!

What kind of research do you do for your books?
I read a lot. I observe nature and visit zoos. I traveled to two islands for my rain forest book.

Where do you get book ideas?
I talk to kids. I love to hear what they are interested in. I also get ideas from where I live. My home is in the middle of the woods in Vermont. There is a lot of wildlife
animals living in nature
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The park near my house has birds and other wildlife.

What tools do you use to make the pictures?
I use watercolor paints in bright colors and black pens. I love paintbrushes. Sometimes, I use colored pencils or markers.

What is your new book about?
Transportation is about how people get from place to place. I studied buses, trains, and planes.
What would you like to write a book about?
Up in the Air
Look at this page from Transportation, by Gail Gibbons. Then answer the questions.

1. Which aircraft can land on water?
2. Which aircraft has wheels?
3. Which aircraft can move sideways?
4. Which aircraft would you most like to ride in?