Mo Willems is an author and illustrator. Most of his characters are animals. TIME for Kids talked with him about his work.

Question: How do you get ideas for stories?
Answer: I grow my ideas over time. Then I share them with others. I see how people react to them.

Q: What tools do you use for illustrating?
A: I use pencils, brushes, crayons, and different papers. I make the drawings first. Then I use a computer to color the art.

Q: What is it like to work on a book?
A: I draw things over and over again. I wait. I look. Then I draw some more.

Q: What is the best thing about your job?
A: I like that I get to meet my readers. I also like that I get to be all by myself and just draw.

Q: What advice do you have for kids?
A: Write and draw. If you are writing and drawing, you are already an author and illustrator.