If you enjoy learning about interesting jobs, find this article and more like it on Your Hot Job, TFK's career-focused website for kids. What does your future hold?
Siena DeBenedittis has wanted to protect the planet since she was a kid. Now her job is to imagine a world where electric vehicles (EVs) rule the streets. DeBenedittis works at ICF, a consulting firm. She helps develop EV charging stations.
Her job is different every day. She works on projects for clients such as utility companies that want charging stations for their customers. “As more and more people start getting electric vehicles, that’s going to take a lot more electricity,” DeBenedittis told TIME for Kids. “I help clients plan for that load.”

A view of the lobby at Central Station Hotel in Memphis. Test-Dash-question-mark-description
Courtesy Jamie Harmon?Central Station