What a Great Idea!

Inventors create or build new things to help make our lives better. Take a look at five cool new inventions. Which is your favorite?

A Special Sweet Potato
Kids in parts of Africa don’t get enough vitamin A. It is important for good health. So scientists grew a special sweet potato. It has lots of vitamin A. It tastes good, too!

Kids Step Up
The UNICEF Kid Power Band lets kids in the U.S. get points for exercising
physical activity that a person does to get stronger and healthier
Swimming is Lucy’s favorite kind of exercise.
. The kids trade the points for food. UNICEF sends the food to hungry kids in other countries.

A Bright Idea
Flyte is a new kind of lightbulb. It can float by using electricity and magnets. It also spins around!

Better Shelter
A furniture company invented these houses. The pieces for them can be sent in the mail! They are easy to build.

Built to Play
Most mechanical
having to do with machinery; done by a machine
Tim’s mechanical car toy has a remote control.
body parts are not fun. But Iko is. Kids who are missing an arm or a hand will like Iko. It can be used with Legos, like this rocket ship.
Why do people invent things?
Ben Franklin’s Experiment
Ben Franklin had an idea that lightning was electricity. He needed to prove his idea. Read about the steps he took. Then answer the questions.

1. Franklin saw ways that lightning and electricity were alike. What is one way?
2. What items did Franklin use to test his idea?