Find out about our neighbor to the south.

There are big pyramids
a big stone building with a square bottom and four triangle-shaped sides that come to a point on top
Sandy plans to visit a pyramid when she goes to Europe.
in Mexico. They are made of stone. Native people built them thousands of years ago.

There are big cities in Mexico. The capital is Mexico City. It is one of the biggest cities in the world.

There are many kinds of animals in Mexico. The Gila (hee-la) monster and the bolson tortoise live in deserts. Spider monkeys and parrots live in forests.

There are farms in Mexico. We get many fresh fruits and vegetables from Mexico. This farmer grows corn.

There are colorful festivals
an event at which people get together to celebrate
Each year, our town has a harvest festival.
in Mexico. People dress up, dance, and sing. They listen to music from mariachi (mar-ee-ah-chee) bands.