Money pays for the things we need. Do you have money? Then you have choices about what you can do with it. You can save money. You can spend it. You can give it away.
Earning Money

Even kids can find ways to make money. You can walk a dog. You can sell lemonade. You can clean a yard or shovel
to pick up with a shovel and throw
In the winter I help my dad shovel the snow off the sidewalk.
Saving Money

Is there something you want to buy? Save your money! You can put it in a special
different or unique in a good way
The mittens were special to Krisha because her grandmother made them.
spot. You can keep it in a bank.
Giving Money

You can give money to help others. It can be used to help people who need food or other items. It can be used to take care of animals.
Spending Money

Go to a store. You can use money to buy what you want. Don’t forget to count your change!
Did You Know?

Money in other parts of the world looks different from ours. Look at this money. It is called yen. People in Japan use it.