Ready to Hatch

Many animals come from eggs. A female animal lays the eggs. After some time, a baby animal breaks out of the shell. Take a look.
Most snakes come from eggs.

Female snakes lay eggs on the ground. Some wrap themselves around the eggs to keep them safe and warm.
Birds come from eggs.

Most birds lay their eggs in a nest. The eggs hatch after about two weeks.
This mammal
a type of animal, most of which give birth to live babies instead of laying eggs and feed milk to their young
Both dogs and cats are mammals.
lays eggs.

A female echidna
a spiny mammal that hatches from an egg
The echidna is an unusual mammal.
lays an egg in a pouch on her body. The echidna is one of just two mammals that lay eggs.
Frogs come from eggs.

Some frogs lay eggs in the water. They lay many at a time. The eggs are like jelly. A frog will grow up to live on land and in water.
How Big?

The ostrich is the largest bird. It lays the biggest eggs of any animal. An ostrich egg can weigh five pounds!