Time to Share

Sharing brings friends together. You can share a favorite toy. You can also share a laugh or a hug. What will you give to a friend?

Friends share toys.
These kids are building together with blocks. They help each other.

Friends share supplies
the materials needed to do something
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Charlie’s dad brought cooking supplies on their camping trip.
This girl is sharing a crayon. She gives it to her classmate.

Friends share books.
These girls are reading together. They are sharing a book.

Friends share the fun.
Taking turns is a good way to share. One boy sits on the swing. The other boy pushes. Whee!

Did You Know?
Animals can share things too! Look at the red fox and the dog. They are best buddies. They are sharing a blanket.
What are some other ways to be a good friend?
Who Is Sharing?
These kids are at school. They are playing. Look at the picture. How many kids do you see who are sharing? How many kids do you see who are not playing nicely?