It’s winter! Do you celebrate a special holiday? Lots of people do. There are many customs
an act that is common among people from a particular group or place; an act that is repeated over time
Among other Thanksgiving customs, many Americans eat turkey on the holiday.
and traditions. Take a look.

Some people celebrate Christmas. They decorate a Christmas tree. They hang ornaments on its branches. This tradition is about 400 years old. Some people sing Christmas carols.

Some people celebrate Hanukkah. It is the Festival of Lights. The holiday lasts eight days. Candles are lit each night.

Some people celebrate Chinese New Year. They hang red lanterns. They go to parades. People do a dragon dance. It is for good luck.

Some people celebrate Kwanzaa. The holiday lasts seven days. People light candles. The candles have different meanings. The holiday ends with a big meal.

Did You Know?

Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. After this, the days begin to have more sunlight. Some people celebrate the solstice at Stonehenge. It is an ancient monument
a building, statue, etc. that honors something from the past
The Lincoln Memorial is a monument that was built to honor President Abraham Lincoln.
. It is in England.