A Time to be Thankful

Many people live in the United States. They come from all over the world. Native American tribes
a group of people that share the same language or beliefs
The Navajo tribe is the largest Native American group in the United States.
lived here first.

The Pilgrims sailed to America in 1620. They met a Native American tribe called the Wampanoags. The Wampanoags helped the Pilgrims live.

They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn. This helped the Pilgrims survive
to stay alive
Cacti can survive in very dry environments.
. The two groups did not always get along.
But they came together in 1621. They had a feast
a meal with lots of food and drink
The wedding guests were served a feast.
. It lasted for three days. It was the first Thanksgiving.

Today, many Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving. We gather with friends and family. We have a feast. We give thanks for all we have.

We are thankful for friends. We are thankful for family. We are thankful for the Wampanoags. They helped the Pilgrims long ago.

The first Thanksgiving meal was a feast. They ate deer. They ate corn. They ate fish. What do you eat on Thanksgiving?