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Trees are an important part of life on Earth. They create the air we breathe
to move air into and out of your lungs
I breathed in the fresh air of the mountains.
. They give us shade
a place blocked from the sun
The tree's shade lets me cool down on a hot day.
and fruit. They are a home for animals. There are many types of trees. But all trees have the same parts. Take a look.

1. The crown or canopy is the leafy top part of a tree.
2. Trees are full of leaves. Leaves come in different sizes and shapes. A tree’s leaves soak up sunlight. This helps the plant grow.
3. Branches grow from a tree’s trunk. Smaller twigs grow from the branches.
4. The trunk is the main body of a tree. A tree is covered with bark. The bark can be rough or smooth. It is like a tree’s skin. It protects the tree.
5. A tree has a network of roots. They grow underground. They branch off in different directions. The roots carry water and food to a tree. They also keep a tree sturdy
strong; well-made
Tom made a sturdy snowman.
in the ground.
Did you Know?

Inside a tree trunk, you will see rings, or circles. They tell us how old the tree is. Each ring stands for a year. Can you count them?