Fighting Food Waste

Americans throw away many pounds of fruits and vegetables each year. That is a waste of food. It is bad for the environment. But some people are working to change it. They are selling and eating ugly food.

Ugly but Tasty
Not all fruits and vegetables look perfect. Some are crooked
not straight
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Near our house is a crooked path.
or an odd color. But these ugly foods are fresh. They taste good.

Stores Get Onboard
Some stores are starting to sell ugly food. This store calls it “produce with personality.”

Ship It Out
These men sell fruits and vegetables that aren’t pretty. They pack the produce and send boxes to customers.

Super Snacks
Some apples don’t look pretty. People won’t buy them. These women make healthy snacks from unwanted
not wanted
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The unwanted bananas began to turn brown.

Science Scoop
Some towns and states have laws about food waste. People can’t throw away fruit-and-vegetable scraps. They need to be put in bins for compost. This cuts down on trash.
What can you do to help stop food waste?
Is It In or Is It Out?
Did you know that you can recycle some food waste? This is called composting. Look at this composting chart. Use it to answer the questions.