Water Works

Water is important to our lives. We use it every day in many ways. Read about some of the ways we use water. Find out why we need it. How do you and your community use water?

Water helps us stay safe.
Firefighters put out fires with water. It is pumped through a hose.

Water gives us power.
Dams hold back and release water. The water powers machines. They make electricity.

Water helps us keep clean.
We wash dishes and clean our homes with water. We use it to wash our clothes. We also use it to brush our teeth and bathe.

All living things need water.
Plants need water. So do people and animals. Water helps us stay healthy. A drink of water cools us down on hot days.

Science Scoop
Many people around the world don’t have clean drinking water. These girls live in Africa. They use straws with a built-in filter. The straws make the water safe to drink.
What are two other things you can do to save water?
Water Wise
It’s easy to save water. This illustration show tips that you and your family can follow at home. Read the tips. Then answer the questions.

1. How high should you fill the tub when taking a bath?
2. What can you fill a milk jug with for your toilet tank?
3. How much water do you save by turning off the tap when brushing your teeth?
4. True or false: It is good to fill up the washing machine.