Do Your Part
You can make the world a brighter place. How? Here are a few ideas. Which have you tried? Which would you like to try?
You can volunteer.

Clean up litter in a park. Pick up plastic on a beach. Lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need.
You can raise money.

Hold a bake sale. Run a lemonade stand. You can donate the money you earn. It can help a cause
something that people support or fight for
We are raising money for a great cause—prevention of childhood cancer.
you care about.
You can lead a food drive.

Get your friends together. Collect canned food. Ask neighbors to donate too. Bring the canned goods to a food bank in your town.
You can donate.
Do you have clothes that no longer fit? Do you have toys you no longer play with? Give them to a local shelter
a structure that covers or protects someone or something
The fox sought shelter from the storm.
Did You Know?
Kids help solve problems in their community every day. What can you do to help your community? Make a list of ideas.