Humans use language to communicate. Animals communicate, too. Find out how.

Some animals use sound. Each penguin has a special call. Other penguins hear the sound and know who is calling.

Some animals light up.
Jellyfish can make their bodies glow. They light up when a predator
an animal that kills and eats other animals to survive
The great white shark is a fierce predator.
comes near. The light scares the predator away.

Some animals
use movement.
Fiddler crabs wave their claws in the air. They do this to attract
to cause something to come closer
Streetlights attract moths.
a mate.

Some animals use color. An octopus changes its color. A light color means the octopus is friendly. A dark color means it is angry.
Did You Know?

Dolphins don’t have ears. But they understand sounds made by other dolphins. How? Sound makes vibrations
a series of small, fast movements going up and down or side to side
The vibration of my cell phone lets me know someone is calling.
in water. Dolphins feel the vibrations in their jawbone.