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Your $: Financial Literacy for Kids

Toy Story

December 1, 2017

Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student magazine.

Profits with a Purpose

November 2, 2017

Businesses that give back are on the rise. So are their earnings. Millions of kids go barefoot every day. On a trip to Argentina, entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie witnessed the difficulties they face. He decided to do something about it. In…

Companies that Care

November 1, 2017

Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student magazine.

Fresh Lessons

October 1, 2017

Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student magazine.

Game On!

September 1, 2017

The September 2017 edition explores financial lessons that an NFL player learned on and off the field. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here fo…

Stretch Your Skills

May 1, 2017

The May 2017 edition explains five creative ways kids can make money this summer. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student…

A Closer Look

April 1, 2017

The April 2017 edition reveals the truth about five common money myths. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student magazine.

The Art of Negotiating

March 1, 2017

The March 2017 edition takes a look at the skills you need to be a great negotiator. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 stud…

A Time For Change

February 1, 2017

The February 2017 edition explores how boys and girls are taught differently about money—and why. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the…

How To Prepare For The Worst

January 1, 2017

The January 2017 edition takes a look at the rising cost of natural disasters. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student ma…

Shop Smart!

December 1, 2016

The December 2016 edition explores how marketing works to impact the choices we make. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 stu…

Ready, Set, Invest!

November 1, 2016

The November 2016 edition explains the stock market and what it means to invest. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student …

Advice From The Sharks

October 1, 2016

The October 2016 edition features exclusive business advice from the experts from ABC’s hit show Shark Tank. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check h…

A Smart Head Start

September 1, 2016

The September 2016 edition reveals five things you can do now to help prepare to pay for college. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the…

Help Wanted

May 1, 2016

The May 2016 edition explores five careers that experts say are on the rise. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student maga…

Go Green!

April 1, 2016

The April 2016 edition explains five ways to save the planet—and your money. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 student maga…

Your Money Questions Answered

March 1, 2016

The March 2016 edition features Jean Chatzky responding to questions from readers. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 studen…

Republicans and Democrats On The Money

February 1, 2016

The February 2016 edition explains where the Democratic and Republican parties stand on financial issues. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here…

The Health-Wealth Connection

January 1, 2016

The January 2016 edition explores how having healthy habits can help your financial future. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade…

Head In The Game

December 1, 2015

The December 2015 edition shares financial tips from celebrities and sports stars. Click here for the Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 4 studen…