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Your $: Financial Literacy for Kids

Comparing Costs

October 9, 2019

Take a walk through a supermarket or big-box store. What do you see? Three or four brands of O-shaped cereal. About a dozen brands of yogurt. And, since it’s October, there are probably shelves of Halloween candy. Which bag should…

Growing A Family Business

September 16, 2019

Every Saturday and Sunday this fall, while other kids are sleeping in or gearing up for a soccer game, Phillip Gargiulo, age 11, will be up at 5 a.m. sweeping floors. It’s hard work, but Phillip’s job at Masker Orchards…

Insert Coin

April 26, 2019

Do you ever play in-app games on a phone or tablet? Some kids do it every day (some grown-ups do, too). These games often ask us to spend money to earn things such as extra lives or special features, or…

Paint Can Plan

April 15, 2019

Michael Weyne wanted to help people recycle their paint cans. Now he does it as a business. Two years ago, Michael Weyne was listening to an episode of the How I Built This podcast. It featured a company that hauls…

Save and Swap

April 15, 2019

Families need to budget carefully to pay their expenses and save for the future. Planning ahead is incredibly important. But there are also creative ways to keep costs down in your daily life. Try swapping expensive purchases and experiences for…

Riding to Riches

March 6, 2019

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines, and hundreds of other companies, paid Carson Kropfl $65,000 for a 20% stake in his company. What makes this especially remarkable? Carson was 11. Getting on Shark Tank is not possible for…

Money Talk: Learn the Lingo of Personal Finance

January 11, 2019

Imagine visiting a foreign country and not knowing the language. It would be difficult to shop in a grocery store, ask for directions, and accomplish many other tasks. Personal finance also has a language all its own. If you don’t…

Get Pet-Ready

December 18, 2018

Bringing home a pet can be a purr-fect experience or a cat-astrophe. You need to be prepared! Here, we break down the costs of animal companionship. Are you thinking about welcoming a dog, cat, rabbit, or hamster into the family?…

How to Help

November 28, 2018

After every natural disaster, a call goes out for donations. But how do you decide what to give, and how can you be sure you’re giving to a great organization? When Hurricane Florence made landfall in September, it cut…

A New Way to Pay

October 12, 2018

What is digital currency? We take a look at this complicated concept. Last spring, we asked readers what they were saving for. Most said things like video games and phones. But Tyler, a 9-year-old from Los Angeles, California, said he…

How Fundraisers Work

September 12, 2018

Students around the country are raising money for their school. Last year, teachers at Elliott Elementary in McKinney, Texas, wanted to buy new iPads and computers for their students, but they didn’t have enough money in the budget. Instead of…

Start It Up!

May 4, 2018

Every year, thousands of children write to the president. But 11-year-old Frank “FX” Giaccio, of Falls Church, Virginia, had an unusual request: He asked to mow the White House lawn. In his letter, Frank explained that he’d started a lawn-mowing…

Push Yourself

May 3, 2018

Click here for the Grade 5-6 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 5-6 student magazine.

Reduce, Reuse, Save!

April 19, 2018

Get Started Buying used products is cheaper—and better for the environment. Remember this rule: If it’s good for the planet, it’s good for you. And often, it can help you or your family save money. Used items are typically cheaper. And…

Choose Used!

April 18, 2018

Click here for the Grade 5-6 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 5-6 student magazine.

The Price of Produce

March 23, 2018

Next time you’re in the grocery store, check the price of a gallon of orange juice. Understanding its cost takes you on a journey around the globe. Americans drink 20 million gallons of orange juice each year. The price of…

Cause and Effect

March 22, 2018

Click here for the Grade 5-6 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 5-6 student magazine.

Stay Safe Online

February 2, 2018

If you were born in the United States, your digital identity was created on day 1. The date and place of your birth went into government records. You were assigned a Social Security number. Those nine digits set you apart…

Protect Yourself Online

February 1, 2018

Click here for the Grade 5-6 Teacher’s Guide. Check here for the Grade 5-6 student magazine.

Save Smarter!

January 2, 2018

The key to reaching any goal—say, running a mile without stopping or acing a science test—is planning out how you’re going to get there. The same is true for saving money. Whether you’re trying to save $50 for a new…