Single Sign On FAQ

Does Your 🔥 Job offer a way for students to sign in without an email address? (e.g. Single Sign On / SSO)

Yes! TIME for Kids has partnered with Global Grid for Learning (GG4L) to manage your data

integration services. GG4L is dedicated to helping schools protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and safeguard technology use, at no charge to the districts or schools.

What is School Passport?

School Passport is a data exchange platform that empowers EdTech apps without sharing school data. There is no charge for districts and schools to sign up and take advantage of this tool. Read more about the features available here.

How does School Passport benefit educators and administrators?

School Passport simplifies the login process for both educators and students by eliminating the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords for different platforms. It streamlines access to educational resources, like Your 🔥 Job.

My school uses School Passport, how do I get access to Your 🔥 Job via our portal?

Once your school or district IT administrator approves data sharing consent with Your 🔥 Job, the SSO link (based on your school's / district's IdP) will be available in the Vendor’s app in School Passport. This SSO link can be published on the school portal or saved as a bookmark by any user.

How can I set up School Passport for my class or school?

Setting up School Passport typically involves your school or district IT team coordinating with GG4L's technical support team to configure the integration.

What if a student forgets their School Passport login credentials?

Students and teachers will log in to YHJ using the school’s identity provider (one of the following: Google, Office 365 / Azure or Microsoft ADFS). School Passport doesn’t keep any passwords nor have access to users’ accounts.

Does School Passport support multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

Yes, School Passport offers optional multi-factor authentication features to add an extra layer of security to user accounts. To learn more about MFA, please visit: What is MFA and how to activate it? ( MFA can be set up by school / district IT administrator for the direct login to School Passport administration. Students and teachers won’t need any additional setups - they log in to Your 🔥 Job via School Passport using one of the following identity providers: Google, Office 365 / Azure or Microsoft ADFS.

My district/school requires vendors to sign a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA). Who do I reach out to or send our DPA to?

You can send your agreement to

How can I get technical support or assistance with School Passport?

Your 🔥 Job and GG4L provide technical support for School Passport integration, including assistance with setup, troubleshooting, and ongoing maintenance. For questions specific to Your 🔥 Job, reach out to us at For specific questions and technical support with School Passport integration, reach out to the GG4L team at